January 22, 2025

Wise Counsel concerning relationship

Relationship Counseling

Relationships seem to always be tricky. But with WISE COUNSEL we can have some peace and hopefully real love.

First I would like to remind you that everything should be done with the intent of love, peace and of course with the intention of not deliberately hurting anyone.

So with this being said Wisdom says, start as friends and take your time to get to know people.

If it’s someone you really want to commit to, don’t “jump in the sack” so fast, that just complicates things. So many of us begin like that and jump into relationships based on one thing or another and don’t find out what kind of person we’ve attached ourselves to, we end up regretting the relationship.

First and foremost it is vital that we understand and hopefully accept the idea that the most important relationship you can have is with YOURSELF; to know yourself first and what you value, your habits, issues, likes, mindset, beliefs, dislikes, and more.

Although many of us have been hurt before we must continue the work to evolve from within so that we can have healthy relationships. So many times we have a tendency to come together and share only things on the “surface” hiding who and what we really are telling only half-truths.

Most of the time when we share only things on the “surface” we are either being careful or just after one thing.

Now if you are after only one thing then I suggest you make that clear so there is no hiding or lying. Lying obviously only causes dissension and more problems even when it is a “one night stand”.

But if you are looking for a long-term relationship then taking your time and open sincere and truthful communication is extremely important as well as follow thru.

If you want someone around just because you are lonely then you are looking for trouble plain and simple. If you looking for a “rebound” you are looking for trouble. If you are looking for someone because of “peer, parental or self pressure”, guilt and or any other reason than love, which most of us do NOT know the meaning of, then as the saying goes, “you’re asking for it”!

This should be a win win for everyone involved with the end resulting in PEACE, again for everyone involved and guess what? This takes consistent, life long work!